ACES offers a CPD accredited 4-hour programme (4 CPD Points) where Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians can visit our specialist clinics and shadow the care of our patients, in both outpatient clinics and in theatre, observing procedures through our Zeiss Lumera 700 Dual Scope Microscope.
ACES A Day in the Life Programme – Terms & Conditions
1. Your shadowing placement will take place at an ACES treatment centre selected by ACES.
2. Placements will last a maximum of 4 hours.
3. All qualified Optometrists and Pre-Registration Optometrists who hold a current and valid General Optical Council (GOC) or CORU registration are entitled to participate in this programme. We will verify that you hold such a registration through regulator websites. You must bring photographic ID with you on your placement day.
4. Pre-reg optometrists must also present proof of degree qualification.
5. Fully qualified optometrists will be paid £150 on the completion of a half day (4 hours) shadowing placement. Payment will be made via bank transfer using the bank details provided by you on completion of your placement. It is your own responsibility to declare these earnings to HMRC.
6. Payment will be made within 14 days from completion of the placement.
7. On completion of a full 4-hour shadowing placement, participants will receive 4 CPD points. A CPD certificate will be provided.
8. As a condition of your participation in the programme you will be required to complete a questionnaire at the end of your placement day.
9. ACES will not reimburse any costs or charges associated with shadowing placement days. This includes, but is not limited to: travel, parking, food, accommodation etc.
10. As a condition of participating in this programme you agree to be contacted by the ACES marketing team regarding a short testimonial about your placement. ACES reserve the right to use this testimonial alongside your first name and job title on the ACES websites and within Public Relations (PR) activity relating to the A Day in the Life Programme. Your personal information, with the exception of your name and job title, will not be disclosed. For the avoidance of doubt, the name of your current
employer will not be disclosed.
11. This offer may be withdrawn by us at any time, without notice.
12. Programme not available to optometrists currently employed by ACES / Optical Express.